Court was pleased to approve a suggestion that members of our Award Winners Community (AWC) could be mentored by Liverymen of the Worshipful Livery Company of Wales (WLCoW) The AWC is made up of past Award Winners who have satisfied the selection process for their particular award. After submitting a report on their achievements through their WLCoW Award they are invited to request a Mentor and to indicate an area where mentoring would be useful.
As a result, around a dozen members of the AWC are currently being mentored by Liverymen and we would like to expand this scheme as each year new Award Winners seek mentors from Liverymen.
As a first step we ask Liverymen to get in touch with me if they are interested in becoming a mentor
Please indicate which professional areas you feel you can help with. We will then contact a AWC member who has asked for help in these areas. The AWC member is asked to make contact with you as soon as possible to begin the process and provide some background including information about what help they hope to gain from their mentor. The Liveryman should then respond as soon as possible as with all mentoring the success is dependent on good communication and progress.
Clear expectations. Mentor and mentee need to agree what they are going to do and establishing a two-way relationship.
Honest communication. Decide how often you will be able to communicate. Choose the (virtual)channels you are going to use. Aim for open, sympathetic and honest communication.
Goals and deadline setting. Discuss what the mentee will do to follow up helpful suggestion and agree a timeline to keep on track and to make the overall experience productive. You need to know what success looks like to achieve it. Please build in a six-month review and send a short report. This could form the basis of an Article for the Bulletin
• What do you feel is the purpose of the mentoring?
• What do you hope to achieve - deliverables?
• How will you achieve it?
• What is the time frame?
• How will the interaction take place and at what regularity?
• How will feedback be provided and assessed?
• End of mentoring programme assessment
Thank you for your interest and please contact me at the address above if you have any further question